中島 聡なかじま さとし
マーケター × クリエイティブ・ディレクター
おもな仕事は、松任谷由実オリジナル・アルバム「宇宙図書館」マーケティング・コミュニケーション(19年振りにオリコン首位に)、サントリー ジャパニーズクラフトジン「ROKU」グローバル・ブランディング、サントリーウイスキー山崎・白州・響 優良顧客ロイヤルティ組織構築など。
カンヌ国際広告祭にて金賞1回、銀賞3回受賞。ロンドン広告賞にてグランプリ受賞。NY One Showにて金賞2回、銅賞1回受賞。ほか、内外の広告賞で受賞合計44回。NY One Show 2009審査員。
Founder, Marketer and Creative Director of DEEP
Satoshi Nakajima was born in 1966 in Tokyo. He graduated from the Waseda University School of Political Science and Economics in 1990. From 1990 to 2007, he worked at Dentsu. He launched his own business in 2007, with the establishment of DEEP.
During a span of over 30 years, he has supplied his marketing and creative expertise to more than 100 companies and brands.
As a planner who combines left-brain (marketing strategy) and right-brain (creative ideas) processes, achieving targets with a high degree of precision is Mr. Nakajima's forte.
Global branding for Suntory’s “Japanese Craft Gin ROKU”; Creation and management of customer loyalty program for Suntory's Yamazaki, Hakushu, and Hibiki whisky products; Helped Japanese legendary singer Yumi Matsutoya top Japan's Oricon music chart for the first time in 19 years with her album Uchu Toshokan; Major clients have included Sony, McDonald's, Canon, Pfizer, Toyota, MetLife Alico, iRobot, Mizuho Bank and Nippon Life.